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The nimxla module wraps the XLA PJRT CPU and GPU client objects which are used to execute computations on a device. It also handles transferring data to and from the device and utilities to manage this on the host. See for an overview of the XLA library.

It depends on the graph module which contains the functions to define computations from a graph of operation nodes, the tensor utility module and the xla_wrapper module which has the definitaions for the C bindings to the XLA C++ API.

Here's a simple exaxmple to build and executing a graph which squares the elements from a vector and adds a constant. then converts the result to a matrix with column major order.


import nimxla
let c = newCPUClient()
echo c
let b = newBuilder("example")
let x = b.parameter(F32, [50])
let sum = x * x + b^10f32
let comp = sum.reshape(10, 5).transpose
let exec = c.compile(comp)
let input = toTensor[float32](1..50).toLiteral
let res =[input]).f32
echo res


Buffer = ref BufferObj
Buffer represents the device memory allocated by the client for a given tensor or tuple of tensors. Source   Edit  
Client = ref ClientObj
A client connects to a device such as a CPU or Cuda GPU driver and provides methods to perform computations. Source   Edit  
Executable = object
  name*: string
  params*: seq[string]
  outputs*: seq[string]
  inShapes*: seq[Shape]
  outShape*: Shape
An executable is a compiled graph of operations which can be called with a defined list of parameters. Source   Edit  
LogLevel = enum
  Info, Warning, Error, Fatal
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Params = Table[string, Buffer]
Set of named input parameters for an executable call. Source   Edit  


proc `$`(buf: Buffer): string {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect],
                                forbids: [].}
Print shape info Source   Edit  
proc `$`(client: Client): string {....raises: [ValueError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Summary of client info Source   Edit  
proc `$`(exec: Executable): string {....raises: [Exception], tags: [RootEffect],
                                     forbids: [].}
Source   Edit  
proc boolean(buf: Buffer): Tensor[bool] {....raises: [XLAError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convert to float64 Tensor. Data type must be Bool. Source   Edit  
proc compile(client: Client; comp: Computation; outputs: openArray[string] = []): Executable {.
    ...raises: [Exception, BuilderError, XLAError, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Compile a computation so that it can be executed on this client. outputs may optionally be specified to name the output values - they are used by the runWith method. Source   Edit  
proc deviceCount(client: Client): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Returns number of devices associated with this client Source   Edit  
proc f32(buf: Buffer): Tensor[float32] {....raises: [XLAError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convert to float32 Tensor. Data type must be F32. Source   Edit  
proc f64(buf: Buffer): Tensor[float64] {....raises: [XLAError, ValueError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convert to float64 Tensor. Data type must be F64. Source   Edit  
proc i32(buf: Buffer): Tensor[int32] {....raises: [XLAError, ValueError], tags: [],
                                       forbids: [].}
Convert to int32 Tensor. Data type must be I32. Source   Edit  
proc i64(buf: Buffer): Tensor[int64] {....raises: [XLAError, ValueError], tags: [],
                                       forbids: [].}
Convert to int64 Tensor. Data type must by I64. Source   Edit  
proc initParams(pairs: openArray[(string, Buffer)]): Params {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Create new parameter list Source   Edit  
proc newBuffer(client: Client; dtype: DataType; dims: openArray[int]): Buffer {.
    ...raises: [XLAError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Allocate a new buffer on the device with the given shape. Initialises values to zero. Source   Edit  
proc newBuffer(client: Client; lit: Literal; device = 0): Buffer {.
    ...raises: [XLAError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Create a new buffer on the device attached to the client and copy source data from a literal value on the host Source   Edit  
proc newBuffer[T: ElemType](client: Client; t: Tensor[T]; device = 0): Buffer
Create a new buffer on the device attached to the client and copy source data from a tensor value on the host Source   Edit  
proc newClient(useGPU = true): Client {....raises: [OSError, ValueError, Exception,
    XLAError], tags: [WriteEnvEffect, RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Create a new client with default options. If useGPU is set then uses GPU if available, else CPU. Source   Edit  
proc newCPUClient(logLevel = Warning): Client {.
    ...raises: [OSError, XLAError, Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [WriteEnvEffect, RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Create a new client for running computations on the CPU. Source   Edit  
proc newGPUClient(memoryFraction = 1.0; preallocate = false; logLevel = Warning): Client {.
    ...raises: [OSError, XLAError, Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [WriteEnvEffect, RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Create a new client for running computations on the GPU using Cuda. memoryFraction limits the maximum fraction of device memory which can be allocated. If preallocate is set then this is allocated at startup. Source   Edit  
proc newTPUClient(maxInflightComputations: int; logLevel = Warning): Client {.
    ...raises: [OSError, XLAError, Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [WriteEnvEffect, RootEffect], forbids: [].}
Create a new client for running computations on Google TPU accelerator. Source   Edit  
proc noutputs(exec: Executable): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
If output is a tuple then tuple length, else 1 Source   Edit  
proc platformName(client: Client): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Returns name of platform (CPU or Cuda) Source   Edit  
proc platformVersion(client: Client): string {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Returns version of platform (e.g. Cuda version) Source   Edit  
proc run(exec: Executable; checkShape = true): Buffer {....raises: [XLAError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convenience method for use where the executable does not take any input arguments. As per Source   Edit  
proc run[T: Buffer | Literal](exec: Executable; args: openArray[T];
                              checkShape = true): Buffer

Pass the given literal or buffer arguments to the executable, launch the kernel on the associated device and return a single buffer with the results. i.e. tuple results are not unpacked.

By default will check that the data type and shape of the parameters matches the inputs and raise an exception there is a mismatch. Set checkShape to false to only have the runtime check the size of the input buffers.

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proc runAndUnpack(exec: Executable; checkShape = true): seq[Buffer] {.
    ...raises: [XLAError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convenience method for use where the executable returns a tuple of results but does not take any input arguments. As per runAndUnpack(args) Source   Edit  
proc runAndUnpack[T: Buffer | Literal](exec: Executable; args: openArray[T];
                                       checkShape = true): seq[Buffer]

For use where the executable returns a tuple of results. Passes the given literal or buffer arguments to the executable, launches the kernel on the associated device and returns a list of buffers unpacked from the returned tuple.

By default will check that the data type and shape of the parameters matches the inputs and raise an exception if there is a mismatch. Set checkShape to false to only have the runtime check the size of the input buffers.

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proc runWith(exec: Executable; params: var Params; checkShape = true) {.
    ...raises: [KeyError, XLAError, ValueError, Exception], tags: [RootEffect],
    forbids: [].}
Run executable with given set of named input parameters. Updates params table with outputs as named when compile was called, or using result<n> format if no names were given. Source   Edit  
proc setLogLevel(level: LogLevel) {....raises: [OSError], tags: [WriteEnvEffect],
                                    forbids: [].}
Set the log level used by the Tensorflow XLA library - defaults to Info Source   Edit  
proc shape(buf: Buffer): Shape {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Get the data type and dimenstions for the buffer. Source   Edit  
proc toLiteral(buf: Buffer): Literal {....raises: [XLAError], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Copy buffer from device to literal on host Source   Edit  
proc toLiterals(buffers: openArray[Buffer]): seq[Literal] {....raises: [XLAError],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Copy list of buffers back to host Source   Edit  
proc toTensor[T: ElemType](buf: Buffer): Tensor[T]
Copy buffer from device to tensor on host Will raise an XLAError exception if the data type of source and destination do not match. Source   Edit  
proc tuple2(res: openArray[Buffer]): (Buffer, Buffer) {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
Convenienve method to destructure list of 2 buffers to tuple Source   Edit  
proc tuple3(res: openArray[Buffer]): (Buffer, Buffer, Buffer) {....raises: [],
    tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convenienve method to destructure list of 3 buffers to tuple Source   Edit  
proc tuple4(res: openArray[Buffer]): (Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer) {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convenienve method to destructure list of 4 buffers to tuple Source   Edit  
proc tuple5(res: openArray[Buffer]): (Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, Buffer) {.
    ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}
Convenienve method to destructure list of 5 buffers to tuple Source   Edit  


broadcast, tanh, rsqrt, ==, ^, seq3, reduceWindow, $, OpType, seq2, Builder, fromHlo, constant, build, exp, <=, DataType, avgPool1d, select, round, argMin, minValue, *, pad, transpose, argMax, arrayShape, padSame, Shape, rank, isFinite, dtype, convolution, reshape, iota, mean, batchNormGrad, sign, broadcastInDim, abs, constant, [], !=, Node, ElemType, iota, newBuilder, toShape, maxPool1d, errorNode, $, min, sigmoid, max, toHlo, conv1d, <, maxPool2d, oneHot, convert, seq2, constant, makeTuple, dtypeOf, resultShape, logicalOr, gradient, crossEntropyLoss, parameters, zero, batchNormTraining, max, clamp, log, min, pad, dims, pow, repr, floor, Padding, /, conv3d, addAt, constant, rem, clone, rawPtr, avgPool2d, name, constant, constant, sqrt, $, narrow, flatten, relu, HloModule, scatter, constant, max, constant, !, Opt2d, zerosLike, maxValue, maxPool3d, rngUniform, Pad3d, pad, batchNormInference, conv2d, >=, -, rngNormal, -, log1p, sin, constant, $, Computation, copy, constant, seq3, mean, reverse, constant, raiseError, sum, softmax, selectAndScatter, one, Opt3d, concat, $, reduce, ShapeKind, parameter, ==, avgPool3d, logicalAnd, +, dot, min, gather, sum, collapse, mseLoss, constant, constant, >, BuilderError, ceil, len, dump, Pad2d, cos, toString, []=, reshape, toTensor, zeros, clone, rawPtr, toTensor, ==, toTensor, convert, @@, write, toTensor, Tensor, len, $, readTensor, append, fill, setPrintOpts, toSeq, at, approxEqual, readTensor, newTensor, write, format, shape, [], len, dtype, newLiteral, lit, f32, reshape, Literal, lit, clone, addrOf, rawPtr, lit, toLiteral, i32, toTensor, lit, convert, f64, decomposeTuple, i64, shape, $, Padding, Pad3d, pad, arrayShape, pad, seq3, DataType, dtypeOf, Opt3d, ==, $, $, ElemType, ShapeKind, seq2, Pad2d, Opt2d, seq2, seq3, toShape, Shape, padSame, XLAError